आ गया ऑनलाइन Agra टैबलेट लिंक,लिंक कैसे प्राप्त करें,Agra Tablet Online, Mukhyamantri Tablet Form
As Mukhyamantri Abhyudaya Yojana runs, similarly this time Mukhyamantri Tablet Scheme has been started in which all the candidates taking degree and certificate will get a chance that all those people will be able to fill the tablet form and their name will also come in that list for the tablet. People who want to get the tablet, what they have to do is just a tablet form link, you have to click on that link, whatever details you see in front of you, you have to go on filling it.
For a long time you guys were asking for the list of UPSC UPPSC with tablets in the Abhyudaya Yojana, I have put that list again, you visit the website and there you can see the Abhyudaya list, this is the earlier list. The list of the examination that has taken place at this time has not come, as soon as the list comes, you will get it through the channel or on this telegram channel!