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Forest Guard & Ranger Recruitment 2021 | New Vacancy 2021,Sarkari Naukari 2021 | govt jobs 2021

   Forest Guard & Ranger Recruitment 2021 | New Vacancy 2021,Sarkari Naukari 2021 | govt jobs 2021

No. Ft. 440-13/80 (E-II) 2019 Forest Department, Himachal Pradesh

i) Pr. CCF (WL) H.P. ii) MD, HPSFDC Ltd.

iii) CF (IT/MIS)

iv) All CCF/CFs (T&WL), H.P.

1.Filling up of vacant posts of Forest Guards, against direct quota on contract basis.In supersession of this office memo dated 05.05.2021 on the subject

2. The Government of HP vide letter No. FFE-A(B)2-3/2016 dated 12.07.2019 and 19.04.2021 has conveyed approval for filling up 113+198-311 posts of Forest Guards on contract basis in the Forest Department of Himachal Pradesh and giving infrastructural support for filling up of 75 posts of Forest Guard in Himachal Pradesh State Forest Development Corporation Limited vide letter No. FFE-A(B)2-3/2016 dated 28.10.2020, subject to completion of all codal formalities.

3. Accordingly, the allotment of posts to fill up 311 posts of Forest Guards in HPFD, through direct recruitment, purely on contract basis is as under :

4. As regards 75 posts of Forest Guards to be filled in HPSFDC Ltd., Director South, HPSDC Ltd. will advertise the posts and will initiate process as per the schedule attached. However, with regard to PET, the Forest Department is providing infrastructure and additional manpower support. The Director South will enlist candidates for PET to concerned CCF/CF (T/WL). He will also ensure the deployment of its officers/officials for the conduct of PET cordination with the additional manpower being provided by the H.P. Forest Department.

5. These posts are to be filled-up at Circle level for candidates applying for recruitment in Himachal Pradesh, Forest Department and at State level for candidates applying for recruitment in Himachal Pradesh State Forest Development Corporation Limited in accordance with H.P. Forest Department, Forest Guard Class-III (Non Gazetted), (Executive Section) Recruitment & Promotion rules notified vide Notification No. FFE-A (B) 2-23/2010 dated 20.09.2014 and further amendments made vide Notification No. FFE A(B)2-23/2010-1 dated 08.07.2016 (1" Amendment) & No. FFE-A (B) 2-8/2017 dated 26.08.2017 (2nd Amendment) and as per the indicated guidelines and instructions regarding direct recruitment issued from time to time.

6. Further, the vacancies of all the categories are to be filled up keeping in view the reservation policy of the Government (i.e. all the categories as per Circle Roster) separately for Forest Department and HPSFDC Ltd. and as per procedure prescribed in the R&P Rules and guidelines as per vacancies mentioned above. Please ensure that advertisement for recruitment of Forest Guards is published by each Circle (T&WL) on given date in the schedule enclosed. In the advertisement, it may be written that the number of posts are tentative and may increase or decrease from time to time. The appli will be invited online only through the official website of H.P. Forest Department at The earlier practice of seeking applications both online and offline is modified to this extent.

7. To avoid/resolve any conflict, it has been decided that the earlier practice of videography be substantiated with installing CC Cameras (at strategic points). Keeping in view the prevailing COVID situation and in order to follow the COVID protocol, it has been necessitated to conduct the PET at Circle level as heretofore instead of conducting PET at three location only as was earlier conveyed. However, the entire recruitment process as scheduled will be subject to the COVID situation and guidelines/instructions issued by the Govt. from time to time.

You are, requested to go ahead with the recruitment process strictly as per the schedule enclosed herewith ensuring fairness and equal opportunity to the all concerned.

Schedule for the recruitment of Forest Guards in the year 2021

Sr.No.                Subject                            Time Frame                                    Dates

1.            Intimation to the Circles                       -                                          18/06/2021

2.      Advertisement for procedure & criteria       -                                          05/07/2021

of selection (By CCF/CFs)

3.         Dates for submission of application       45 Days                    06.07.2021 to 19.08.2021

4.    Scrutiny of forms (including evaluation      20 Days                  20.08.2021 to 08.09.2021


5.    Intimation for Physical Test                         12 Days                  09.09.2021 to 20.09.2021

6.Dates for carrying out Physical Test                30 Days                  21.09.2021 to 20.10.2021

7.Uploading of Admit Cards for written            5 days                     21.10.2021 to 25.10.2021

test by the Circles

8.Intimation by the Circles to UHF Nauni

 & HQ regarding number of question                5 Days                     26.10.2021 to 30.10.2021

papers required  

9.Date of Written Test on OMR Sheets            1 Days                            31/10/2021

10.Uploading of key and raising of                         

objections by candidates, if any                       5 Days                            01.10.2021 to 05.11.2021      

11.Evaluation and compilation 

of written test by UHF-Nauni                          10 Days                          06.11.2021 to 15.11.2021

12. Collection of results from UHF-Nauni

by respective Circles; decoding 

of answer-sheets, adding of                              4 Days                             16.11.2021 to 19.11.2021

PET marks and preparation 

of merit list for interview 

13.Declaration of date for

 verification of evaluation                            1 Weeks                              20.11.2021 to 26.11.2021


14.Date of verification 

of certificates for evaluation                        1 week                                 27.11.2021 to 03.12.2021

15.Compilation of merit-list 

and declaration of final result                      3 Days                                04.12.2021 to 06.12.2021

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