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माध्यमिक शिक्षा निदेशालय, उड़ीसा, भुवनेश्वर ओडिशा राज्य के माध्यमिक विद्यालय, 2021,DIRECTORATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION, ODISHA, BHUBANESWAR Secondary Schools of the State of Odisha,2021

 माध्यमिक शिक्षा निदेशालय, उड़ीसा, भुवनेश्वर  ओडिशा राज्य के माध्यमिक विद्यालय, 2021


Secondary Schools of the State of Odisha,2021

Orrisa Teachers

In pursuance of Notification No. 32010/Gen. Dt 12.11.2013 , Notification No. 1147/Gen. Dt

17.01.2014 of General Administration Department, Odisha and Resolution No.12468/SME Dated

13.07.2021 of Govt. in School and Mass Education Dept, Odisha, Director Secondary Education,

Odisha invites online applications from intending eligible candidates for recruitment against

existingvacancies of Contractual Hindi Teacher, Sanskrit Teacher and Physical Education Teacher

Posts in Govt. Secondary Schools of Odisha. The selection for the recruitment will be made

through Computer Based Competitive Examination to be held in selected Test Centres in Odisha.

2.How to apply:Candidates are required to apply online through the appropriate link on the

website being satisfied that they are eligible for the post as per

advertisement. Application through any other mode shall not be accepted. Schedule of ONLINE

registration is as follows: 

Activity                                                                                                  Dateline

Commencement of Online Registration on the                        23.08.2021  (11.00AM onwards)


Last Date for Online Registration                                         14.09.2021     (up to 06. 00 PM)

Tentative schedule of Online Examination First week of October 2021

3. Vacancy Position: Post wise total vacancy position is given below:

Hindi Teacher                Sanskrit Teacher              Physical Education Teacher

2055                                           1304                                            1260

The statement showing detailed district wise vacancies and number of vacancies available for

different reservation categories is at Appendix A.

The details of vacancies reserved for PWD category shall be notified subsequently

Note: The number of vacancies advertised is tentative and is subject to change.

4. Reservation of Vacancies:

The provision of the Orissa Reservation &Vacancies in posts & services Act, 1975 and

other Reservation policy for women, Ex-Service Men and Persons with Disabilities, as

prescribed by G o v e r n m e n t f r o m time to t ime shall be followed. Percentage of

reservation for candidates under special reservation categories will be calculated taking the total

vacancies in a particular social reservation category in the State as a whole.

5. Eligibility Conditions:

A. AGE:A candidate must have attained 21 years of age and must not be above 32 years of age as

on 01.01.2021

Provided that relaxation in upper age limit shall be allowed to candidates of different

social/special categories in the following manner:

i) in case of SC/ST/SEBC/Women by 5 years

ii) in case of Persons with Disabilities by 10 years

iii) In case of ex-military persons as per GA Dept Notification No 22586/Gen Dt.16.10.1985.

This relaxation in age as required under provisions of ORV Act, PWD Act and other relevant

rules amended from time to time may be modified with reference to above said acts.

Provided that, a candidate who comes under more than one category(Social or Special)

mentioned in above, he/she will be eligible for only one age relaxation benefit, which shall be

considered most beneficial to him/ her.

In view of the fact that, the recruitment of such teachers has not been held since 2016, Govt

have allowed enhancement of Upper Age Limit for all the above category of candidates for further

5 years as a onetime measure for this recruitment.

B. Educational Qualification:


Classical    Teacher     (Sanskrit)

1.Bachelor’s Degree with Sanskrit as one of the electives /optional/Honours /pass

subjects from a recognized university with minimum 50% marks in aggregate

(45% for SC/ST/PWD/SEBC candidates) and Shiksha Shastri (Sanskrit) a course

prescribed by NCTE, from a recognized University/Institution                                   



2.Shastri (Sanskrit) with minimum 50% marks in aggregate (45% for

SC/ST/PWD/SEBC candidates) from a recognized university and Shiksha Shastri

(Sanskrit), a course prescribed by NCTE, from a recognized University institution.

Hindi Teacher-

1.Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University with Hindi as one of the electives

/Optional/Pass/Honours subject with minimum 50% marks in aggregate (45%

for SC/ST/PWD/ SEBC candidates)


one of the following Training qualifications

a) Hindi Shikshan Parangat from Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Agra

b) B.H.Ed., a course prescribed by NCTE, from a recognized University/


c) B. Ed in Hindi, a course prescribed by NCTE, from Dakshin Bharat Hindi

Prachar Sabha, Madras.


2.Bachelor’s degreefrom a recognized University with minimum 50% marks in

aggregate (45% for SC/ST/PWD /SEBC candidates) with one of the following


a) Rastrabhasa Ratna from Rastrabhasa Prachar Samiti, Wardha

b) Shastri (Hindi) from Orissa Rastrabhasa Parishad, Puri

c) Snataka (Acquired by June-2005, the date up to which the temporary

recognition has been granted) from Hindi Shiksha Samiti, Orissa, Cuttack


one of the following Training qualifications:

a) Hindi Shikshan Parangat from Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Agra

b) B.H.Ed , a course prescribed by NCTE, from a recognized University/


c) B. Ed in Hindi, a course prescribed by NCTE, from Dakshin Bharat Hindi

Prachar Sabha, Madras

Physical Education Teacher-

+2 or its equivalent examination from a recognised institution with minimum

50% marks in aggregate (45% or SC/ST/PH/ SEBC candidates)


C.P.Ed./ B.P.Ed./ M.P. Ed from a recognized Board/University.

Any qualification higher than the prescribed qualification shall not be given any weightage.

C. Other Eligibility Conditions:

(a) he/she must be a citizen of India.

(b)The candidate must be able to read and write ODIA. Any one of the following qualifications

will be taken into consideration to ascertain this ability of the candidate for the posts.

i) He/she must have passed HSC Exam conducted by Board of Secondary Education, Odisha

or any equivalent Examination with Odia as a Language Subject i.e. First/Second or Third


ii) He/ She must have passed +2 /Higher Secondary Examination conducted by Council of

Higher Secondary Education, Odisha with Odia as an examinable subject.

iii) He/she must have passed Odia Examination of Matriculation/HSC standard conducted

by BSE, Odisha

(c) He/she must have passed Odisha Secondary School Teacher Eligibility Test (OSSTET) in

concerned category and subject.

Provided that, candidates who have appeared at Odisha Secondary School Teacher

Eligibility Test (OSSTET) 2021 can also apply and appear the Computer Based Competitive

Examination to be conducted for this recruitment ,but they will have to update the result of

OSSTET in the Online application before shortlisting of candidates to be called for

verification of documents. Such candidates shall have to produce the OSSTET Pass

Certificate at the time of verification of documents as mentioned in para 9 of this


(d) Candidates possessing Academic/Training qualifications from

Boards/Universities/Institutions outside Odisha shall have to produce the authenticated

proof of equivalency from any recognised Universities of the State of Odisha, affiliation

of their institution to a recognised University and recognition of such Training course and

Institute by NCTE failing which he/she shall not be considered as eligible for selection.

(e) A candidate furnishing certificates, mark-sheets with grades and grade-point shall have

to also furnish numerical equivalence of grades/grade points from the examining bodies

failing which he/she shall not be treated as eligible for selection.

(f) He/she must have a good character and shall submit certificate of good character from

two gazetted officers (not being his relation).

(g) He/she must not have more than one spouse living.

(h) He/ She must have paid the processing fee as stipulated in para 6 of this advertisement.

(i) A person already in service of Government shall be eligible for recruitment to the

service subject to his being within the prescribed age limit and being otherwise eligible

and subject further that he produces ‘no objection certificate’ from the competent 

authority at the time stipulated for verification of documents before preparation of draft

merit list.

6. Processing Fee:

All Candidates shall have to pay Rs. 600/- as processing fee. In case of candidates of SC, ST

and PWD categoryRs. 400/- is to be paid as application processing fee. The payment will be made

through the online payment gateway on the online application page.

7.Place and Date of Examination:

The Computer Based Competitive Examination shall be held in selected Test Centres of the

State. The locations shall be indicated in the online application form out of which the candidate

shall have three options in order of preference.

Tentative schedule of Examination:First week of October 2021

Note: The Exact date(s) of Examination shall be later notified in the website.

8.Admit Card:

Admit Cards shall be generated by system (computer) only in favour of candidates found eligible

for admission into the online examination and candidates can download the admit cards through

their registered log-in. As soon as the admit cards are available, candidates shall be informed

through a web notification and also through SMS to registered mobile number.

9. Method of Selection:

a) The selection will be made on the basis of result of Computer Based Competitive

Examination. The Scheme and Syllabus of Examination is placed at Appendix-B.

II to qualify in the examination.

c) Rank list shall be prepared taking the qualifying candidates only.Names of candidates in the

Rank list shall be arranged in order of marks secured by the candidates in the examination.

In case of two or more candidates secure the same marks the candidate older in age will

be placed above in the rank.

d) Candidates shortlisted from the Rank list shall be called to get their documents

verified at District level. State Selection Committee shall have the right to decide the

criteria for short listing. The district mentioned in the permanent address in the

application form shall be taken as the district in which the documents of a candidate

are to be verified. Candidates are required to mention the permanent address with

district carefully because no change of this address will be allowed after submission

of application.

e) The eligibility of shortlisted candidates shall be determined through verification of

all relevant documents in support of age, qualification and other eligibility

conditions laid down in the advertisement.

f) Place and dates of verification of documents of candidates shall be published in the website after shortlisting of candidates.

g) The Draft Common Merit List for the state finalised after determination of eligibility

as in para 9(e)shall be treated as Draft merit list and this along with the list of ineligible candidates shall be published for inviting objections. After disposal of

objections and necessary corrections the State Common Merit List will be finalised.

h) Select list for each social reservation category will be prepared from the State Common

Merit List taking number of candidates equal to 100 % of the number of vacancies for each

o f t h e category in the state as a whole.

i) Inclusion of the name of a candidate in the Merit List/Select List confers no right on the

candidate to engagement unless Govt. or the State Selection Committee or the Appointing

Authority are satisfied after such inquiry or re-verification of documents,as may be

considered necessary, that a candidate is suitable in all respects for engagement to the


10. Remuneration admissible to the post

SN.                      Post                                                         Remuneration Per Month(Rs.)               Remarks

 1          Hindi Teacher and Sanskrit Teacher                          16,880/-                                Consolidated

 2.              Physical Education Teacher                                    10,000/-                                 Consolidated

11. District Allocation

After selection of candidates of each social category, district allocation will be made

through on-line or offline counseling or any other mode to be decided and notified later. A

candidate of a particular reservation category shall be allocated to a district only against a vacancy

of his/her reservation category.Candidates of PWD category and Women candidates shall be preferred

in counseling for district allocation.

12.Engagement after Selection

District Education Officers (DEOs)shall engage candidates from District allocation list

approved by the State Selection Committee and notified by Director Secondary Education,

Odisha after verification of all original documents in support of fulfillment of eligibility

conditions laid down in this advertisement as well as other documents normally required by 

the appointing authority to be verified at the time of new appointments. An undertaking is

required to be furnished at the time of final verification of documents before engagement

in the manner as described in Para 13(C).

A candidate selected under PWD category, shall be referred to Appellate Medical Board

and only on being certified as PWD by the Appellate Medical Board shall be considered for


The engagement will be on contractual basis. A contract agreement shall be

executed between District Education Officer on behalf of State Govt. and the candidate

selected on stamp paper before engagement.

13. Important Points:

a) This advertisement should not be construed as binding on the Government to make appointment;

b) Applications submitted by the candidate, if found to be incomplete in any respect and at any stage are

liable to rejection without entertaining any correspondence with the applicants on that score.

c) In the online application, the candidate shall furnish an undertaking in the following manner:

“I do hereby undertake that the information furnished in this online application is true. If in

future, any of the information furnished by me in this application or any

certificate/document produced by me in support of eligibility conditions laid down in this

advertisement is found to be fake or if for any reason I am later found not eligible for the

post applied for, my candidature as well as consequential selection or engagement if any

shall be cancelled without notice. In that event, the authorities shall not be held responsible

for cancellation of my candidature/selection/engagement. I shall also be punished as per

law for providing false information or producing fake documents.”

d) The above undertaking which will be a part of the online application form shall be treated to have been

signed by a candidate once he/she submits the online application.

e) Eligibility for admission into examination shall be checked through a computer programme and it will

be done on the basis of information furnished by the candidate in the online application and hence a

candidate is required to be careful while furnishing information in the online application. Any

misrepresentation or suppression of information or submission of wrong data / information by the

candidate in the online application will result in cancellation of his/her application. Once submitted, no

correction in the application shall be allowed thereafter. It is the responsibility of the candidate to

furnish correct information and the authorities shall not be responsible for rejection of application

&candidature by system due to any wrong information furnished.

f) A candidate found guilty of seeking support for his/her candidature by offering illegal gratification or

applying pressure on any person connected with the conduct of the recruitment process or found 

indulging in any type of malpractice in course of the selection or otherwise, shall, in addition to

rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, be disqualified not only for the recruitment for

which he/she is a candidate, but also may be debarred, either permanently or for a specified period,

from any recruitment or selection to be conducted by the DSE;

g) Admission to examination will be purely provisional. If on verification at any stage before or after the

examination or even after engagement, it is found that a candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility

conditions, his/her candidature shall be rejected and if engaged, such engagement shall be cancelled.

Decision of the State Selection Committee in regard to eligibility or otherwise of candidate shall be


h) Henceforward, all information relating to this recruitment such as final date of examination, date of

availability of admit cards,dates and venues of verification of documents, important

instructions/guidelines to be followed at the time of verification of documents, dates of counseling for

select candidates and other important information required to be shared with candidates shall be given

through notification in this website. Candidates are therefore advised to be watchful and regularly

visit the website so as to get all important information given from time to time.

i) Henceforward, correspondence if required to be made by the Director Secondary Education with any

candidate shall be made only through the email-id as mentioned by the candidate in the on-line


j) The vacancies advertised vide this notice includes unfilled vacancies of previous recruitments and

current vacancies. Reservation for Ex-Service-Men or Sportsmen shall be available in respect of

current vacancies only.

k) A candidate finally selected under a reservation category (UR/SC/ST/SEBC) will be posted as

per vacancy available for that particular reservation category in any district of Odisha.

l) Concessions meant for S.C., S.T.& SEBCby birth are admissible to the Scheduled Caste,Scheduled Tribe&

SEBC of Odisha only and such candidates shall have to produce caste certificate from competent


m) Community (caste status) once mentioned by the candidates under the appropriate box of the online

application form, will be treated as final and the same shall not be changed subsequently under any


n) The candidates selected under PWD category shall be required to appear before the State Appellate

Medical Board which shall examine and certify their disability after which their engagement may be

taken into consideration.

o) Candidates claiming reservation benefit under Sportsmen quota shall have to produce the identity

card issued in their favour by the Director, Sports at the time of verification of documents 

before preparation of merit listand also at the time of final verification of documents before


p) Candidates claiming reservation benefit under Ex-Service Men quota shall have to produce discharge

certificate as well as authentic document issued by the competent authority in support of their total

period of service i.e. date of joining and total period of service rendered the time of verification

of documents before preparation of merit list and also at the time of final verification of

documents before engagement.

q) Date of Birth as recorded in HSC Examination Pass Certificate or certificate of passing

equivalent examination shall only be accepted.

r) The word equivalence used in the para 5 C(d) and 14(x) of the advertisement

means:equivalence given by Board or Universities of Odisha to the educational

qualifications(academic or training) which are mentioned in para 5.B. In any case,

qualifications with any nomenclature other than those mentioned in the para 5.B. of the

advertisement shall not be accepted.

s) A candidate must have acquired the prescribed educational qualifications before applying for

a post. All the pass certificates and mark sheets in support of educational qualifications

prescribed under para 5.B must have been issued by the last date of submission of Online


Corrections or modifications if required in any part (including appendices) of this

advertisement shall be made by the Director Secondary Education, Odisha and shall be notified in

the website


Only those candidates, who will be called for the verification of original certificates &documents, will be

required to bring with them the following documents in original for verification on the date fixed by the

Director, Secondary Education, Odisha. They are also required to bring a set of self-attested Xerox copy of all

documents, and such copies shall be retained by the verifying officials

i. Ink-signed (Candidate’s full signature) Hard copy of Online application form with full signature in the

declaration/undertaking part.

ii. H.S.C. Examination Pass Certificate as age proof. In case a candidate has passed any other equivalent

examination, such certificate can be accepted provided that equivalence to such examination by BSE,

Odisha is produced.

iii. Intermediate/+2 Pass Certificate issued by the concerned University/Council;

iv. Bachelor Degree/Shastri (Sanskrit)/Rastrabhasa Ratna/Shastri (Hindi)/Snataka (as applicable for

different posts in the advertisement) Pass Certificate issued by recognized Colleges/Institutions;

v. Training (as prescribed for different posts in this advertisement) Pass certificate issued by NCTE

recognized Colleges/Institutions

vi. Mark-list of the aforesaid examinations (as applicable for the post)

vii. Odia Pass Certificate from the competent authority as required.

viii. OSSTET pass Certificate issued by BSE, Odisha

ix. Candidates who have not been awarded percentage of marks, but only Grade marks should produce

the conversion certificate from the concerned University indicating the actual equivalent percentage of

marks and conversion formula, failing which, their applications are liable to be rejected.

x. Certificate of Equivalence, Certificate of Recognition of NCTE and Affiliation Certificate as mentioned in

para 5.C(d) of this advertisement

xi. A "No Objection Certificate" from the Head of Office/Head of the Department in case of in-service


xii. Two recent passport size photographs (unsigned & unattested).

xiii. Caste Certificate by birth in support of claim as S.C./S.T, wherever applicable (Please see Note-I);

Concession meant for S.C./S.T. candidates are admissible to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes of

Odisha only;

xiv. Disability Certificate (indicating percentage of permanent disability) issued by the competent


xv. Discharge Certificates of Ex-Serviceman issued by the Commanding Officer of the Unit last served

wherever applicable; Ex-servicemen must submit an Affidavit that he has not been appointed against

any civil post after retirement from military service.

xvi. Identity card issued in their favour by the Director, Sports for those applying under Sportsmen


xvii. Certificate of “One spouse living ’in case of married candidates as mentioned in para 5.C(g) of this


xviii. Any other document to verified as decided by Director Secondary Education, Odisha which

shall be notified along with date and venue for document verification.

xix. Character certificate as mentioned in para5.C(f) of this advertisement

xx. Undertaking as mentioned in para 13(c)

Note1. : Candidates claiming to be belonging to S.C./S.T./ SEBC category by birth are required to

submit copy of the relevant Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed


a) Women candidates belonging to S.C./S.T./ SEBC category are required to submit Caste

i) Certificates by birth showing "daughter of ....................................................". Caste

ii) Certificates by virtue of marriage (i.e. showing "wife of ..........") are not acceptable.

b) Community (Caste status) once mentioned by the candidates shall not be changed under

any circumstances.

c) Candidates of SEBC category must produce Caste certificate from the competent authority

in the prescribed form issued within the last three years prior to the date of verification of

documents to be conducted as per provision in para 9.


Applications of the candidates will be rejected on any of the following grounds.

i. Incomplete online application form.

ii. Application submitted without Processing fee

iii. Declaration not signed (full signature) by the candidate in the hard copy of online application form

iv. If the candidate’s age is not coming within the age limitprescribed in this advertisement.

v. He/she does not possess required educational qualification and does not fulfill the eligibility conditions

laid down in para 5 of the advertisement.

vi. He/she has not furnished copies of certificates/documents etc. as provided under para-14 of the


vii. Submission of wrong information /false information

viii. Suppression of facts/ information about eligibility, if any.

ix. If a candidate fails to attend the notified venue for document verification & get his documents verified

on the date fixed by the DSE.

x. Application received through any other mode (expect online through the proforma application to be

made available on the website of Director Secondary Education,Odisha)

xi. Any other grounds as per decision of the Director Secondary Education, Odisha and the State Selection


N.B:- Application/candidature of a candidate shall be rejected at any stage of recruitment process,

when discrepancy is noticed /detected.

16. How to Apply:

a) Candidate must go through details of this advertisement available in the website of DSE before filling

up online application. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and be

summarily rejected.

b) Before filling up the online application form, the candidates must go through the following

documents available at DSE website.

i) Instruction to fill up online application.

ii) Guideline for scanning and uploading of photograph, full signature &left thumb impression. 

Click here to Read more & Apply Online

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